Food in French: Learn French Vocabulary by Topic
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Fruits in English with French translation
English | French | English | French |
Apple | Pomme | Kiwi | Kiwi |
Orange | Orange | Melon | Melon |
Banana | Banane | Papaya | Papaye |
Pineapple | Ananas | Plum | Prune |
Grape | Raisin | Apricot | Abricot |
Strawberry | Fraise | Pomegranate | Grenade |
Raspberry | Framboise | Blackberry | Mûres |
Blueberry | Myrtille | Fig | Figue |
Cherry | Cerise | Starfruit | Pamplemousse |
Peach | Pèche | Cranberry | Canneberge |
Mango | Mangue | Gooseberry | Groseille |
Lemon | Citron | Grapefruit | Pamplemousse |
Lime | Citron vert |

Vegetables in English with French translation
English | French | English | French |
Potato | Pomme de terre | Cabbage | Chou |
Carrot | Carrote | Leek | Poireau |
Broccoli | Brocoli | Artichoke | Artichaut |
Cauliflower | Chou-fleur | Asparagus | Asperges |
Bell pepper | Poivron | Avocado | Avocat |
Onion | Oignon | Carrot | Carrote |
Garlic | Ail | Mushroom | Champignon |
Cucumber | Concombre | Peas | Pois |
Eggplant | Aubergine | Sweet potato | Patate douce |
Squash | Courge | Turnip | Navet |
Zucchini | Courgette | Parsnip | Panais |
Tomato | Tomate | Butternut squash | Courge butternut |
Beet | Betterave | Brussels sprouts | Choux de Bruxelles |
Radish | Radis | Rhubarb | Rhubarbe |
Lettuce | Salade |
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Dairy products and meats in English with French translation
Dairy products(English) | Produits laitiers(French) | Meats(English) | Viandes(French) |
Milk | Lait | Beef | Bœuf |
Cheese | Fromage | Pork | Porc |
Butter | Beurre | Chicken | Poulet |
Yogurt | Yaourt | Turkey | Dinde |
Cream | Crème | Lamb | Agneau |
Cottage cheese | Fromage blanc | Duck | Canard |
Ice cream | Glaces | Sausage | Saucisse |
Whipping cream | Crème à fouetter | Bacon | Bacon |
Sour cream | Crème fraîche | Ham | Jambon |
Ricotta cheese | Ricotta | Steak | Steak |
Cream cheese | Fromage blanc | Ground beef | Bœuf haché |
Parmesan cheese | Parmesan | Ribs | Côtes |
Feta cheese | Feta | Pork chops | Côtelettes de porc |
Swiss cheese | Fromage suisse | Roast beef | Rôti de bœuf |

Sweets and beverages in English with French translation
Sweets(English) | Sucreries(French) | Drinks(English) | Boissons(French) |
Candy | Bonbons | Sparkling water | Eau gazeuse |
Chocolate | Chocolat | Water | Eau |
Cookies | Cookies | Coffee | Café |
Hard candy | Bonbons durs | Tea | Thé |
Ice cream | Glaces | Juice | Jus |
Doughnut | Beignet | Soda | Soda |
Cake | Gâteau | Beer | Bière |
Wafers | Gaufres | Wine | Vin |
Lollipop | Sucette | Lemonade | Limonade |
Jelly beans | Bonbons gélifiés | Iced tea | Thé glacé |
Caramel | Caramel | Smoothie | Smoothie |
Biscuits | Biscuits | Orange juice | Jus d'orange |
Licorice | Réglisse | Grape juice | Jus de raisin |
Gummy bears | Nounours | Hot Chocolate | Chocolat chaud |
Chocolates | Chocolats | Apple juice | Jus de pomme |

Breakfast foods in English with French translation
English | French | English | French |
Oatmeal | Flocons d'avoine | Coffee | Café |
Pancakes | Crêpes | Tea | Thé |
Ham | Jambon | Smoothie | Smoothie |
Waffles | Gaufres | Granola bar | Barre de céréales |
Cereal | Céréales | Cream cheese | Fromage blanc |
Fruit | Fruit | Juice | Jus |
Toast | Tartines | Scrambled eggs | Œufs brouillés |
Eggs | Oeufs | Hashbrowns | Pommes de terre rissolées |
Bacon | Bacon | Chia pudding | Pudding au chia |
Sausage | Saucisse |
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