Language travel in Spanish
Take a language trip to Spain or Cuba with Sprachcaffe.
More information »When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country it is essential that you know the basic medical vocabulary to be able to communicate your concerns in times of illness and stress. With Sprachcaffe you can learn the medical vocabulary lists you will need whether you want to work in the medical field in a Spanish-speaking country or need medical care on your trip.
Spanish | English |
Doctor | Doctor |
Enfermero/a | Nurse |
Cirujano/a | Surgeon |
Anestesista | Anesthesiologist |
Pediatra | Pediatrician |
Cardiólogo | Cardiologist |
Radiólogo | Radiologist |
Farmacéutico/a | Pharmacist |
Terapeuta físico/a | Physical Therapist |
Psicólogo/a | Psychologist |
Recepcionista | Receptionist |
Paramédico/a | Paramedic |
Nutricionista | Nutritionist |
Spanish | English |
Sala de emergencias | Emergency Room |
Sala de operaciones | Operating Room |
Unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) | Intensive Care Unit (ICU) |
Sala de partos | Delivery Room |
Consultorio médico | Doctor's Office |
Laboratorio | Laboratory |
Farmacia | Pharmacy |
Sala de espera | Waiting Room |
Sala de radiología | Radiology Room |
Sala de rehabilitación | Rehabilitation Room |
Quirófano | Operating Theater |
Sala de observación | Observation Room |
Sala de curas | Treatment Room |
Habitación de paciente | Patient Room |
Vestíbulo | Lobby |
Emergencies | Translation | Emergencies | Translation |
Emergencia | Emergency | Fractura | Fracture |
Llamada de emergencia | Emergency call | Convulsiones | Seizures |
Servicios de emergencia | Emergency services | Intoxicación alimentaria | Food poisoning |
Ambulancia | Ambulance | Pérdida de conciencia | Loss of consciousness |
Paramédico | Paramedic | Esguince | Sprain |
Hospital | Hospital | Choque anafiláctico | Anaphylactic shock |
Herida | Wound | Desmayo | Fainting |
Sangrado | Bleeding | Accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) | Stroke |
Paro cardíaco | Cardiac arrest | Rescate | Rescue |
Reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) | Botiquín de primeros auxilios | First aid kit |
Shock | Shock | Evacuación | Evacuation |
Quemadura | Burn | Camilla | Stretcher |
Envenenamiento | Poisoning | Triage | Triage |
Dificultad respiratoria | Breathing difficulty | Socorrista | Rescuer |
Dolor en el pecho | Chest pain | Teléfono de emergencia | Emergency phone |
Spanish language trip
Improve your Spanish and have a wonderful holiday!
Paciente (Patient): Hola, me siento mal. (Hello, I don't feel well.)
Enfermero/a (Doctor): ¡Hola! ¿Qué te pasa? (Hello! What's going on?)
Paciente (Patient): Tengo dolor en el pecho y me duele la cabeza. (I have chest pain and a headache.)
Enfermero/a (Doctor): ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que tienes estos síntomas? (How long have you had these symptoms?)
Paciente (Patient): Comenzaron hace aproximadamente una hora. (They started about an hour ago.)
Enfermero/a (Doctor): ¿Tienes alguna alergia a medicamentos o condiciones médicas previas que debamos saber? (Do you have any allergies to medications or pre-existing medical conditions we should be aware of?)
Paciente (Patient): No, no soy alérgico a nada, pero tengo antecedentes de hipertensión. (No, I'm not allergic to anything, but I have a history of hypertension.)
Enfermero/a (Doctor): Gracias por la información. Estamos aquí para ayudarte. Por favor, siéntate y te haremos un electrocardiograma y algunos análisis de sangre. (Thank you for the information. We are here to help you. Please have a seat, and we'll perform an electrocardiogram and some blood tests.)
Paciente (Patient): Gracias. (Thank you.)
Learning medical vocabulary in Spanish can be a challenge, but with dedication and focus, it is entirely possible. We recommend that to learn medical vocabulary you watch some of your favorite medical-related series in Spanish. In addition, taking general Spanish courses will also help you improve your language skills and better understand the structure of the language. If you have any questions or need more examples, feel free to contact us or visit our Spanish courses.
Take a language trip to Spain or Cuba with Sprachcaffe.
More information »Enjoy a summer camp while learning a new language.
Learn Spanish from the comfort of your home with an online course.
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