Language travel in Spanish
Take a language trip to Spain or Cuba with Sprachcaffe.
More information »When you travel to Spanish-speaking countries, knowing the names of animals is useful for interacting with the local people, understanding the local wildlife and enjoying more enriching travel experiences. In addition, knowing the names of animals in Spanish allows you to speak and understand the world around you better. On this page you will learn the names of animals in Spanish organized by categories. Ready to expand your vocabulary?
Spanish | English |
Perro | Dog |
Gato | Cat |
Pez | Fish |
Hámster | Hamster |
Cobaya | Guinea pig |
Conejo | Rabbit |
Pájaro | Bird |
Tortuga | Turtle |
Lagarto | Lizard |
Serpiente | Snake |
Loro | Parrot |
Rata | Rat |
Hurón | Ferret |
Spanish | English |
Vaca | Cow |
Caballo | Horse |
Oveja | Sheep |
Cerdo | Pig |
Pollo | Chicken |
Ganso | Goose |
Pato | Duck |
Conejo | Rabbit |
Burro | Donkey |
Gallo | Rooster |
Pavo | Turkey |
Llama | Llama |
Alpaca | Alpaca |
Then join us on a language trip to Barcelona, Malaga or Havana - we guarantee your language improvement and the fun is already included!
Spanish | English |
Ciervo | Deer |
Zorro | Fox |
Ardilla | Squirrel |
Mapache | Raccoon |
Zorrillo | Skunk |
Owl | Owl |
Pájaro carpintero | Woodpecker |
Liebre | Hare |
Tejón | Badger |
Oso | Bear |
Coyote | Coyote |
Lobo | Wolf |
Alce | Moose |
Lince rojo | Bobcat |
Lince | Lynx |
Puercoespín | Porcupine |
Jabalí | Wild boar |
Visón | Mink |
Spanish | English |
Hormiga | Ant |
Abeja | Bee |
Mariposa | Butterfly |
Cucaracha | Cockroach |
Saltamontes | Grasshopper |
Mariquita | Ladybug |
Mosquito | Mosquito |
Mantis religiosa | Praying Mantis |
Escorpión | Scorpion |
Araña | Spider |
Termita | Termite |
Avispa | Wasp |
Polilla | Moth |
Polilla | Dragonfly |
Escarabajo | Beetle |
Avispón | Hornet |
Spanish | English |
León | Lion |
Elefante | Elephant |
Jirafa | Giraffe |
Hipopótamo | Hippopotamus |
Rinoceronte | Rhinoceros |
Cebra | Zebra |
Guepardo | Cheetah |
Hiena | Hyena |
Gacela | Gazelle |
Mono | Monkey |
Jabalí | Warthog |
Búfalo | Buffalo |
Babuino | Baboon |
Cocodrilo | Crocodile |
Suricata | Meerkat |
Ñu | Wildebeest |
Chacal | Jackal |
To learn the vocabulary of animals more easily we recommend that you create a vocabulary notebook where you write down the name of the animals in Spanish along with a brief description of them. It can also be very useful to visit zoos, in our language trips you can do very interesting activities while practicing the language, take a look at our courses!
Take a language trip to Spain or Cuba with Sprachcaffe.
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