Cambridge Exam
  • FCE: First Certificate in English
  • CAE: Certificate of Advanced English

You can prepare for the Cambridge Exam at the following Sprachcaffe language schools:

The Cambridge ESOL Examinations:

  • FCE (First Certificate in English): Recognises the ability to deal confidently with a range of written and spoken communications. Successful candidates will have a wide grasp of vocabulary, and should be able to construct an argument and use appropriate communication styles for a variety of situations.
  • CAE (Certificate of Advanced English): This is an advanced exam, and is for learners who have reached a standard of English that is adequate for most purposes. Success at this level indicates the ability to use English effectively and perform confidently in social and professional situations, and in higher education.
Maximum Class Size: Malta: 10; Brighton: 12; Bournemouth:15; London: 15.